LISP Command Logger

Function Syntax LISPLogON / LISPLogOFF
Current Version 1.0
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View HTML Version LISPLogV1-0.html

Program Description

This program will automatically (and silently) record daily LISP command usage in every drawing to a CSV Log File, saved to a folder specified in the program source code.

The program utilises a LISP Reactor to automatically monitor LISP commands that are called, coupled with an Editor Reactor to write command usage to a CSV file when the drawing is saved.

The CSV Log files are only written when the drawing is saved; this ensures there is no impact on performance whilst the user is working on the drawing.

The CSV Log files will be written to the folder specified at the top of the program code:

(setq *lisp-log-folder* "C:\\LISP-Logs")

This folder may be altered to suit the user and will be created if it doesn't exist.

LISP Command logging may be switched on and off at any time from within a drawing by typing LISPLogON and LISPLogOFF at the command-line.

This program will run when loaded. To enable automatic LISP command logging, add the program to the Startup Suite or load it from the ACADDOC.lsp. For more information on how to load a program automatically, see my tutorial on Loading Programs Automatically.

Example of CSV Log

Below is an example of a typical CSV Log file generated by the program.

The name of each LISP command and the number of times the command has been used are grouped beneath the drawing in which the command was called, sorted by the number of uses in descending order, so that the user can quickly see the most used LISP command for a drawing.

LISP Log Example

Instructions for Running

This program will run when loaded. If added to the Startup Suite or ACADDOC.lsp, this ensures LISP command usage is logged from the moment a drawing is opened.

For instructions on how to load the program when a drawing is opened, refer to my tutorial on Loading Programs Automatically.

For general instructions on how to load the program, refer to my tutorial on How to Run an AutoLISP Program.

LISP Command Logging can be toggled on & off at any time from within a drawing by calling the commands LISPLogON & LISPLogOFF respectively.


increase · reset · decrease

Designed & Created by Lee Mac © 2010