Get Layer Status

Function Syntax (LM:GetLayerStatus)
Current Version 1.0

Program Description

This subfunction is a primarily academic venture, using a variety programming techniques to return the status of all layers in a drawing.

I hope that programmers of all levels may benefit in some way from it.

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;;-------------------=={ Get Layer Status }==-----------------;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  Returns a list of dotted pairs detailing the status of    ;;
;;  each layer in a drawing.                                  ;;
;;  Author: Lee Mac, Copyright © 2010 -       ;;

(defun LM:GetLayerStatus ( / FindBits List->String cAssoc IterateLayers )

  (defun FindBits ( n / b )
    (if (< 0 n)
        (setq b
          (expt 2
            (fix (/ (log n) (log 2)))
        (FindBits (- n b))

  (defun List->String ( lst del )
    (if (cdr lst)
      (strcat (car lst) del (List->String (cdr lst) del))
      (car lst)

  (defun cAssoc ( key lst ) (cdr (assoc key lst)))

  (defun IterateLayers ( def )
      (lambda ( status )
        (if def
            (cons (cAssoc 2 def)
                (apply 'append
                  (cons (list (if (minusp (cAssoc 62 def)) "Off" "On"))
                        (lambda ( c ) (list (cAssoc c status)))
                      (FindBits (logand (cAssoc 70 def) (~ 112)))
            (IterateLayers (tblnext "LAYER"))
     '((1 . "Frozen")
       (2 . "Frozen in VP")
       (4 . "Locked")

  (foreach x (IterateLayers (tblnext "LAYER" T))
    (if (cdr x) (print x))

Example of Output

("0" . "On")
("DEFPOINTS" . "On,Frozen")
("Layer1" . "Off,Locked")
("Layer2" . "Off,Frozen")
("Layer3" . "On,Locked")
("Layer4" . "On")
("Layer5" . "On,Frozen in VP")


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Designed & Created by Lee Mac © 2010