Edit Box

Function Syntax (LM:editbox <str>)
Current Version 1.0
Symbol Type Description
str String Initial value to display ("" for none)
Type Description
String Edit box contents if user pressed OK, else nil

Function Description

This very simple function utilises a predefined AutoCAD dialog definition to display an interface allowing the user to input a text string.

This approach avoids the need to include an accompanying DCL file with the calling program, or write a temporary dialog definition file to the user's computer.

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;; Edit Box  -  Lee Mac
;; Displays a DCL Edit Box to obtain a string from the user
;; str - [str] Initial value to display ("" for none)
;; Returns: [str] Edit box contents if user pressed OK, else nil

(defun LM:editbox ( str / han )
    (and (< 0 (setq han (load_dialog "acad")))
         (new_dialog  "acad_txtedit" han)
         (set_tile    "text_edit"    str)
         (action_tile "text_edit" "(setq str $value)")
         (if (zerop (start_dialog)) (setq str nil))
    (if (< 0 han) (unload_dialog han))

Example Function Call

The following function call will display the dialog as shown in the graphic below.

(LM:editbox "Lee Mac")

Example Program

This short program uses the above subfunction to allow the user to edit a selected Text, MText or Attribute object.

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(defun c:qe ( / ent enx str )
    (if (and (setq ent (car (nentsel)))
             (wcmatch  (cdr (assoc 0 (setq enx (entget ent)))) "*TEXT,ATTRIB")
             (setq str (LM:editbox  (cdr (assoc 1 enx))))
             (entmod (subst (cons 1 str) (assoc 1 enx) enx))
        (entupd ent)


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Designed & Created by Lee Mac © 2010